The Pomelo is rather like a large grapefruit, but with a crunchy texture and a very thick pith layer. The Pomelo has its origins in South Wast Asia and is firmly welded in the Thai kitchen…….read more Once you get the nature of this fruit it can be applied to just about any salad.
In many ways it is surprising that trees are uncommon in South Australia, but in New South Wales they seem to be everywhere. The abundance is reflected in the price and sadly they remain expensive in South Australia. The good news is, that provided you use a frost blanket they grow very well here. They are generally loaded with seeds that can be germinated quite easily. We have been advised that once you have an approximately 10cm seedling they are best grafted…..stay tuned!
AO 26 JUNE 2021

it can be a workout
extracting the
pomelo flesh
Excuse my crippled hands but the video shows the workout it can be for any hands. This is the most common method of extraction for Thai food. Segmenting and also making use of the rind does have a more elegant appearance but you can lose some of the excellent crunchy/chewy texture. The season can be quite short and we have experimented with freezing the segments. Just okay when they are hidden in other ingredients but they do lose some of their wonderful crunch.
The julienned rind glacéed is gorgeously translucent and adds a jewel like quality as a garnish.

There are endless ways to use Pomelo and a great point of reference is David Thompson’s Thai Food. Be confident, keep the pomelo in context and adding crunch with crispy fried shallots and roasted chopped peanuts is almost invariably a winner.
Pictured right Crayfish and Pomelo Salad….use the link below to go to the recipe and remember this is a combo that will go with just about any seafood. Squid, prawns, steamed crab and white fleshed fish.